May your holiday stockings be heavy, and your blessings be plentiful.
Happy Holidays, from all of us at Dragon Door!
Official blog of the RKC
May your holiday stockings be heavy, and your blessings be plentiful.
Happy Holidays, from all of us at Dragon Door!
The purpose of this article is to venture a few workout suggestions—that is, some of the dirtiest and the damnedest ever seen.
I, like most who are blessed with some form of attention disorder, suffer from a low adherence to unchallenging and uninteresting exercise programs. If there is any chance of me following a program with little deviation, then from time to time, I need to experience the rush of workout that redlines me.
To say it another way, I subscribe to the general theory that tough workouts are more fun.
Now to this, the critic may pose a question regarding effectiveness. What good is having fun in the weight room, if we have nothing to show for it aside from the short-lived euphoria of a mental lollypop and swampy undergarments?
And to this doubter, I would say touché! To forgo effectiveness for fun would surely flip us over the edge of reason. But to assert that fun and effective are mutually exclusive is an exhibition of broken logic.
Fun is subjective and unquantifiable. I mean, how does one measure fun? In oodles? Sure, that sounds kind of tasty, but there’s no such metric for evaluation, nor will there ever, because not everybody’s idea of fun is the same.
And to be fair, not everyone will find as much delight in the upcoming assignments as I. It just seems like (because it seems like is honestly the best approximation I got on this subject matter) that most, not all, but most, find tough to be more fun than easy.
I won’t speculate on the reasons why. I have shared my observations on what I believe to be true and will now show you how to add a little bourbon to the sauce of your training program.
These workouts (the bourbon), which you can plug into just about any conditioning slot in your training program (assuming you have one), will fortify your spirit, harden your muscle, and peel away body fat.
Let’s begin.
What Is Metabolic Conditioning
Metabolic conditioning is now a term familiar to many, and since there is little good purpose to be served by trotting an old horse once more around the track, I will only touch on this point lightly to familiarize any new recruits, and then refer out to more extensive works.
In short, metabolic conditioning is any exercise, or series of exercises, aimed at improving the efficiency at which your body stores and delivers energy for any given activity.[1]
Some of the best work I’ve found on metabolic conditioning comes from Arthur Jones, who arguably coined the term back in the 1970s. Jones, while working with a group of varsity football players at West Point, found that when he shortened the rest periods between exercises in a circuit, his cadets were unable to handle the metabolic demands—despite them being in good shape.
So what gives? Why were these strong and well-conditioned athletes experiencing rapid shutdown when rest was dramatically shortened or eliminated between exercises in a circuit?
Jones offered the following theory:
“If there is interest in totally unsupported theories, then I do have a theory… a theory that I have no great confidence in at this point; I think that the body may simply be unable to provide the required chemical changes that are necessary to work that hard for a prolonged period of time. The required oxygen is available, and the circulatory system is capable of distributing it rapidly enough… the required nutrients are also available, but perhaps the body cannot provide the required metabolic changes at such a pace.”[2]
Jones continued to train his cadets in this fast-paced manner and concluded the following:
“Once a subject becomes capable of training in this fashion without going into shock as a result, then it becomes possible to work his muscles to a point of momentary failure while maintaining both the pulse rate and breathing at very high levels throughout the entire workout. And, since it was impossible for the beginning trainee to work in this fashion, it is thus obvious that something besides strength and cardiovascular ability has been improved… the subject has also greatly improved his metabolic ability.
And just what advantage does such a factor give an athlete? Well, how would a coach like to have a football team that literally did not require rest for a period of 30 minutes? Such a team could return to scrimmage immediately without the necessity to huddle… thus giving their opponents no chance to rest.”[3]
For the entire collection of Arthur Jones notes on metabolic conditioning, I highly recommend that you head over to and read his full article on Flexibility and Metabolic Condition.[4]
The premise of metabolic conditioning is to marry strength and cardio. The goal is to keep the system under stress, and working as a whole for some prolonged period of time. The simplest way to do this is to string together a series of compound exercises, and presently I will show you how to achieve this effect through kettlebell complex training.
What Are Kettlebell Complexes?
For our purposes, complexes (specifically kettlebell complexes) are compound exercises to be performed successively and uninterruptedly.
Compound exercises, as you may well know, call upon the coordinated action of multiple muscle groups to move multiple joints through a range of motion simultaneously.
But to perform them successively and uninterruptedly means to string these exercises together and execute them without the luxury of rest.
Complexes can be performed with almost any implement or no implement at all. The kettlebell, however, lends itself uniquely to complex training. The compact nature of the implement, along with its offset center of gravity, encourages one to flow seamlessly from movement to movement. As the saying goes, you can’t swing a barbell between your legs.
Who Are Kettlebell Complexes For?
I play Tae Kwon Do. I competed throughout college, and many times was bested by a more skillful competitor. What I’ve learned from this sport is that sometimes you you will lose because someone is better than you and that’s OK. It’s how you learn.
But never should you lose because someone is better conditioned than you.
That’s where kettlebell complex training comes in. My mentor, Brian Petty RKC, a lifelong fighter, once told me that kettlebell training is the closest thing you can get to fighting without throwing a punch. He explained to me that kettlebell complex training allows us to generate “high quality fatigue” and that the feeling of lactic acid flooding the system to the point of one feeling almost panicked, or poisoned even, is the reality of a physical confrontation. I agree on all points.
To understand why this is important is to know that a fight is often won in the last round, and when there are two competitors of equal skill, the winner is the one with greater strength and staying power.
I should also mention that when coupled with a workable diet, metabolic conditioning will melt fat like raw meat on a hot grill. This is how I keep under 8% body fat year round.
The great deal of stress and systemic fatigue generated from kettlebell complex training stokes the metabolic furnace, creates a large oxygen debt, and promises prolonged caloric after-burn. To understand this is to know why short and intense kettlebell complex training sessions are far more effective for melting fat than low-intensity aerobics ever were.
Into The Lungs of Hell
I believe kettlebell complexes are such handy fat-chopping devices that every fitness enthusiast should have at least five pegged to memory. Now I have more folders full of complexes than Romney has binders full of women, so if you’ll permit me, I’d like to offer a few up a few of my favorites.
The Great Destroyer
The Great Destroyer is like an extremely hot pepper. It’s both alluring and frightening. You want to taste it, but as soon as you do you regret it.
Once you run your first set of The Great Destroyer, I think this will strike you as a pretty good analogy.
The Great Destroyer Consists of the following:
Double Kettlebell Swing x 10 Reps
Double Kettlebell Snatch x 10 Reps
Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 10 Reps
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press x 10 reps
Push Ups x 10 Reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 Reps
Recommended Operating Weight:
Pair of 16kg or 20kg kettlebells for most males
Pair of 8kg or 12kg kettlebells for most females
The Hellion
This single kettlebell complex is deceptively challenging. The fatigue, like a night prowler, creeps up and slams you unexpectedly.
Check it out, The Hellion goes like this:
Two Hand Swing
One Arm Swing (Left + Right)
Single Arm Kettlebell Thruster (Left + Right)
Start with two reps of each movement. Then, after your first cycle through, perform four reps of each movement. Continue to ladder up by two reps every cycle until you are performing a total of ten reps of each movement. Descend the ladder in the same fashion. 😀
Recommended Operating Weight:
One 16kg or 20kg kettlebell for most males
One 12kg or 16kg kettlebell for most females
Sequential Dismay
Imagine what it’d feel like to have a thousand cold knives slipped into your quads, twisted, and withdrawn. That’s Sequential Dismay.
The sequence of this complex is based off the Fibonacci series in reverse, starting from eight, and combines double kettlebells cleans and front squats.
In case you’re a little rusty on your logical sequences, Sequential Dismay looks like this:
Double Kettlebell Clean x 8 reps
Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 5 reps
Double Kettlebell Clean x 5 reps
Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 3 reps
Double Kettlebell Clean x 3 reps
Double kettlebell Front Squat x 2 reps
Double Kettlebell Clean x 2 reps
Double Kettlebell Front Squat x 1 rep
Recommended Operating Weight:
A pair of 20kg or 24kg kettlebells for most males
A pair of 12kg or 16kg kettlebells for most females
Fresh Off the Yacht
This type of complex should be made like biscuits: fresh every morning. Pick five single arm kettlebell exercises and perform five reps of each, back to back, with no rest. Once you’ve completed the series on one side, switch arms and repeat.
Here is just one recipe idea to get you started:
One Arm Swing x 5 Reps
One Arm Clean x 5 Reps
One Arm Snatch x 5 Reps
One Arm Jerk x 5 Reps
Reverse Lunge x 5 Reps
Recommended Operating Weight:
One 16kg or 20kg kettlebell for most males
One 12kg or 16kg kettlebell for most females
The Man Maker
I got this kettlebell “sandwich” idea from Jiu Jitsu champion Steve Maxwell, when he paired the double kettlebell clean with a push up on the handles.
I’ve since taken his original recipe, added a few ingredients, and turned it into a party-sub.
The sandwich reference indicates that there are two pieces of “bread” from which to load ingredients (exercises). For our purposes here, the bottom piece of bread is the double kettlebell snatch, and the top is the renegade row (a push-up on the handles of the bells paired with plank rows).
Begin by performing one rep of the double kettlebell snatch and the renegade row. Each cycle there after you will load one additional ingredient (one rep of one new exercise), and continue to cycle through, without rest, until you have constructed a 5-layer sandwich.
I believe an illustration of this monstrosity is obligatory:
Layer 1 – Double Snatch + Renegade Row
Layer 2 – Double Snatch + Double Press + Renegade Row
Layer 3 – Double Snatch + Double Press + Front Squat + Renegade Row
Layer 4 – Double Snatch + Double Press + Front Squat + Double Clean + Renegade Row
Layer 5 – Double Snatch + Double Press + Front Squat + Double Clean + Double Swing + Renegade Row
Perform only one rep of each exercise. No rest between layers.
Recommended Operating Weight:
A pair of 20kg kettlebells for most males
A pair of 12kg kettlebells for most females
Concluding Thoughts
Even at the risk of being overly repetitious, I’ll reiterate that these workouts are brandy to the sauce of ordinary conditioning routines. Just how too much booze ruins the sauce, these too can be overdone.
When applied judiciously, however, kettlebell complexes are marvelous, but the last thing I want to happen to anyone is to collapse in the midst of The Great Destroyer, with two bells overhead, like an overcooked soufflé.
Please lift responsibly.
– Pat Flynn
PS – If you have any questions on how to work kettlebell complexes into your training routine, please drop them in the comment section below.
About Pat Flynn
Pat Flynn is a certified Russian Kettlebell Challenge instructor, fitness philosopher, and 7th degree blackbelt in hanging out. Pat is the founder of where he talks mostly on how to chop fat and multiply muscle through kettlebell complex training.
[1] Glassman, Greg (June 2003). “Metabolic Conditioning”. CrossFit Journal (10).
The RKC is about Strength. Many times we’ve referred to it as a “School of Strength.” After all, what’s better than lifting heavy stuff? In fact many instructors have said the secret to a happy life is lifting heavy stuff overhead! As RKC’s we sometimes base our abilities on a heavy deadlift, pull-up and overhead press. But what do you do if you can’t physically deadlift? What if some anatomical limitation prevents you from pressing heavy stuff overhead? Are you left to a life of spinning classes and pretty little selectorized machines? No!
I am one of these people. I physically can’t deadlift, or squat heavy anymore. I can’t press heavy things overhead on a consistent basis. Don’t get me wrong… I’m a former competitive powerlifter, I love lifting heavy stuff! Due to a nice case of scoliosis I physically can’t put weight on my back, or vertically load my spine, and heavy deadlifting is just not smart anymore. Take a look at a recent X-ray of my spine:
So now what? What do you do for a client like me? Heck, what do I do? I use the tools the RKC and DragonDoor has provided… CK-FMS, Swing variations, Get-ups, and Paul Wade’s Convict Conditioning book. Let’s take a look at these-
CK-FMS – As we all learned from Brett Jones and Gray Cook, we’re only as strong as our weakest link will allow. If we have an active straight leg raise issue, or a stability issue, it adversely affects our performance because we aren’t moving efficiently. Brett once said that for some people the correctives become part of our daily routine, and for me that’s true. I’m always going to have a t-spine mobility issue, and as a result I’ll always have a stability issue. If I don’t make those correctives part of my practice sessions my low back is in pain the next day.
Swing variations – Swings are the foundation of what we do, and there are so many variations. Typically I have two days devoted to only swings. The first is a one arm swing interval variation day, and the other is a heavy swing day. For example I may do 30-40 minutes of one arm swings with a 24k, then later in the week I might perform 2 hand swings with a 48k for 30-40 minutes. One arm swings help with conditioning as well as stability issues due to the asymmetrical loading. The heavy two hand swings are as close to heavy deadlifting as my body will allow, yet work great for building strength in a safe yet ballistic manner.
Get ups – David Whitley says get-ups are essentially the human gate pattern, and he’s right! Get ups allow us to move safely under a load while our body fires in a X-type of pattern. Look at the initial post to elbow move for example, we drive through our bell side glute while posting on the opposite elbow by firing that lat. Everything moves diagonally, just like when we walk. Get ups teach me to move under a load while still providing the much needed overhead stimulation. Ten minutes of get ups do the trick!
Convict Conditioning – When I was powerlifting, I used to have a high and low intensity day. Some powerlifters call it Dynamic and Max effort days. Basically this is a day of lower weight with higher reps to essentially practice the movement, shore up weak links and build efficiency, followed with a max effort day 72 hours later with fewer reps and heavier weight, very similar to the swing methodology discussed above. I have chosen to focus on three bodyweight strength movements; pistol, pull-up and handstand push-ups. Since I can’t back or front squat, the pistol is a safe alternative that still allows me to safely apply a load on heavy days yet still get high rep squat variation practice in on my light days. The pull-up is also a movement that allows me to hang a kettlebell from my foot or a belt to add a load, while practicing a horizontal version on my light days. Finally handstand push-ups are really the only way I can press anything overhead without being crippled the next day! All three movements are easy to modify using the different levels provided in Paul Wade’s Convict Conditioning.
So how does this look in a program?
Day 1: 10-min of light get ups followed by light easy bodyweight strength practice
Day 2: 30-40 min of One Arm Swings
Day 3: 10 min of heavier get up practice followed by heavier low rep bodyweight strength movements
Day 4: 30-40 min of heavy swings
Being strong is an important part of life. It’s how we survive. No matter what physical limitation you have there are resources available and ways to work around almost anything. The last thing anyone should ever do is sit down on a machine, choose a weight, and push out some mindless reps. Grab a kettlebell do some get ups and swings or some bodyweight strength work.
An excuse only exists if you allow it to.
About Corey:
As the owner and founder of Results PT, Corey started the company in 2004 out of his house, with the goal of creating an energizing atmosphere that’s geared toward the client’s success. Since 2004 his vision has grown along with the list of clients, and in 2008 he opened Sioux Falls’s first private personal training studio. Corey has trained and helped many people lose a lot of weight, including a few people that have lost over 100lbs. He also has experience training fitness figure competitors and pagent girls. His clients have been featured in local and national magazine articles, appeared on television, and competed nationally. He originally became a certified personal trainer while living in Minneapolis in 2002 and over the years has created a successful strategy and program that reaps success. He also has experience in competitive powerlifting and loves total body kettlebell workouts that promote athleticism. He can be reached at or
I’ve been asked “Is it possible to gain size with Bodyweight only exercise?” The short answer is “Yes”. It’s easier to accomplish upper body size gains with bodyweight training than with lower. Without meeting you personally or at least getting to know you better, it would be impossible to adequately provide you direct program recommendations. However, I will provide some guidelines and concepts.
First, a few “Don’ts”. Do not treat your calisthenics as a quasi-aerobic or simple warm up. Find challenging movements and utilize progressions, as employed in Coach Paul Wade’s book Convict Conditioning. Or view the video version with Max Shank.
Let’s address push-up, for example. I chose those to address, because you can do push-ups, even at the most difficult levels, anywhere and with no equipment. Remember to use progressions and be certain not to skip any levels in your progression. You may form “holes” on your training and hinder your ability to achieve your highest levels. Here are a couple of YouTube clips of me performing push-up variations.
Please make certain that you employ strict technique and do not rush through the movements. The combination of 10 second push-ups and spiderman push-ups have yielded some particularly favorable results.
As far as your legs and lower body are concerned. It is difficult reaching great size with simple bodyweight exercises. Squats and Pistol Squats (Single Leg) movements with result in a great deal of strength, but not a supper amount of size. Why is this so? You are on your legs all of the time and you need to substantially increase the resistive load to stimulate muscle hypertrophy. It’s most easily accomplished with adding weight to your exercises. I prefer kettlebells, because you can use much less weight for attain results than you would have to with barbells or machines. If you don’t have access to kettlebells or if you are adverse to using weights, employ a regiment of plyometric exercise. There is a great deal of plyometric literature and exercise programs available.
Good Luck!
Coach Phil Ross
Master RKC
Our lives are exceedingly busy.
Time is a commodity that we can ill afford to waste. There are many occasions when we only have a small window of opportunity to train. You only have 35 to 45 minutes to train. You have to get your workout in. You’ve worked very hard to attain your level of fitness and you want to keep it. What can you do?
Here’s a great workout combining body weight and kettlebells.
It’s called the 100’s Workout.
Begin with warming the body up very well:
Jump rope for 2 or 3 minutes, employ 5 to 7 minutes of stretching and other various warm-up techniques. Do three rotations of Deck Squats (10), Push-ups (25) and Abdominals (30). Now you are ready for the 100’s Workout.
There are several ways to do this workout. I’ve done anywhere from 3 to 5 of these exercises, depending on the available time and the chosen set of exercises. This is something that you’ll have to decide for yourself and how you are able to perform on a particular day. In addition, the amount of weight that you use makes a difference. Obviously – the higher the weight, the harder the workout.
Following are some examples:
Routine #1:
100 2 Hand Swings, recover, stretch.
100 Bottoms-up Squats, recover, stretch.
100 Kettlebell Snatches, recover stretch.
You should be able to accomplish each exercise in 5 to 6 minutes with a 2 minute rest and re-hydration period in between. You should be done with this section in a total of 20 minutes. A light stretch and you are finished and on with your day.
Routine #2:
100 Hand to Hand Swings (50 each Side)
100 Single Rack Squats (Change every 10 reps, 50 each side)
100 Dual Jerk Presses- It is best to do them in sections – VERY difficult to perform 100 of these in a row. You will most likely need 3 to 4 sets in order to complete the 100 repetitions.
You should be able to accomplish each exercise in 5 to 7 minutes with a 2 minute rest and re-hydration period in between. You should be done with this section in a total of 23 minutes. A light stretch and you are finished and on with your day.
Use your imagination and try other combinations of exercises when you do your 100’s. It’s a great deal of fun and yields a phenomenal workout.
As always: Train Hard & Train Often!
Phil Ross, Master RKC